GAZDA G-105 thermostats are designed for automatic temperature maintenance in various heating, cooling, ventilation systems, as well as production technological lines.
Device Description
Сaratteristiche tecniche
Tensione di servizio ………………………………………………..................................................................……230V +/-20%
Corrente di carico massima……………………………………..................................................................…..16A/230V
Potenza consumata………………………………………..…............................................................................1W
Lunghezza di cavo del sensore incluso …………………….....................................................................2m
Tipo di sensore della temperatura..............……………….....................................................................NTC 10kOm
Modalità di funzionamento dell’apparecchio……………………………...……….......................................Riscaldamento, Raffreddamento, Finestra
Isteresi regolabile …………………………………….......................................................................................2-70°С
Ritardo accensione del relè………………………......................................................................................0-250 sec
Temperatura ambiente operativa ………………….................................................................................0-40°С
Limite minimo della misurazione della temperatura …………….......................................................-50°С
Limite massimo della misurazione della temperatura ………….......................................................+125°С
Precisione della misurazione della temperatura ………………...........................................................1°С
Bloccaggio di bottoni di comando elettronico..................................................................................presente
Spegnimento elettronico dell'apparecchio per mezzo dei bottoni di controllo……......................presente
Tutti i parametri sono memorizzati nella memoria non volatile
Impostazioni predefinite
Temperatura desiderata …………………................................................................................................30°С
Ritardo accensione del relè …………….................................................................................................00 sec
Controls and Displays
The front panel of the GAZDA G105 thermostat contains:
1. Tri-digit display
2. The "+" button to increase the numerical value of the temperature
3. "-" button to lower the numerical temperature value
4. "OK" LED - indicator of shutdown by an external control device
5. Pump Output Indicator LED(1)
6. LED - Heater Output Indicator(2)
Safety Measures
The device operates at a voltage that poses a risk to life.
When operating and maintaining the device, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of the rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations and safety rules.
The device must be operated in an non-hazardous area with a relative humidity of up to 80%.
The atmosphere of the room should not contain dust, acids, alkalis or other aggressive substances.
Never supply any voltage to the control input.
The connected load must not exceed the power specified in Table 1, item 6.
It is forbidden to open the body of the appliance if the power is connected to the mains cable.
The device should not be installed on wooden or other combustible surfaces (e.g. walls).